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Manufacturing Engineering

GNC Plus (Graphical Numerical Control)


GNC Plus (Graphical Numerical Control) is an interactive, graphics-basedCAM that can simplify NC part programming, minimize programming errors,and reduce the lead time needed to produce error-free tapesGNC Plus provides two- to five-axis numerical control applications anduses POST, a generalized postprocessor. GNC Plus supports all commonnumerical control machine tools, along with the mixed operations offeredon advanced NC machines that perform more than one type of operation.Part geometry from MEDUSA or any other vendor's CAD system can betransferred to GNC Plus for fast and efficient toolpath creation.A set of user-driven menu icons makes the product easy to use andefficient at producing and animating tool paths. The entire machiningenvironment can be displayed, including component or piece part, tooling,fixtures, and tool paths.

Language: FORTRAN, C, C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: DNC or NC Punch
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

100 Crosby Dr MS: 14-13
Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: (617) 275-1800
        (800) 225-1614
Fax: (617) 275-4842